Gina is described by her peers as an energetic, creative, hard-working professional who delivers high-quality instruction to struggling students. She has served as an educational coach at Seth since 2013, modeling best practices in delivery of instruction, classroom management and interventions to meet the individual needs, interests and strengths of students.
“The level of knowledge and expertise that Gina brings to students, families and staff at Seth Woodard helps fuel a community-wide learning culture where quality and distinction are prioritized,” said former Seth Woodard principal Mike Lollar.
NEWESD 101 selected Gina based on nominations from peers, supervisors and students for the program that recognizes excellence in teaching. While competing for the title of 2023 Washington State Teacher of the Year, Gina will join other regional winners from each of the state’s nine Educational Service Districts in professional learning, leadership and advocacy training as well as meeting with state and national education leaders.
“Gina has come to a point in her career as an educator where her talents can be shared and celebrated beyond the Seth Woodard school building and West Valley School District,” WVSD Superintendent Kyle Rydell shared. “Her vision, passion, communication skills and work ethic make her an excellent representative for Washington state.”